Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Global Panic

Oh no. Not another conspiracy. My world is shattered. All those years of being green and worried and feeling bad about chucking away some chewing gum wrapper or a fag butt – all in vain. According to the latest theory, there’s nothing to worry about, so rejoice people! Leave those tellies on standby! Stay online all night! Don’t bother turning off the bathroom lights and go on, dump your old washing machine in the woods, because it’s all a massive hoax, designed by governments to frighten us poor sods and make loads of cash.

I’m sure some of you have seen or at least heard of the Channel 4 series The Great Global Warming Swindle, and yes, I have actually sat through every single minute of it, because hey, some might see me as a lentil–scoffing vegan hippie, but I like to keep an open mind.

Fair play to them, they have a point, or several. An array of different professor types ranging from fresh-faced and honest to barking mad were all giving us their scientific reasons as to why the Global Warming thing is hype and the carbon monoxide story is bollocks and it’s all a big business on which millions earn a living. Yes, it almost brought a tear to my eye, when some of them explained how after years of research they had not made a penny and were seen as modern day heretics.

It can’t be denied that Global Warming is a massive buisness and anyone who dares to disagree is immediately rejected from society. We all know that an insane amount of government money goes to Global Warming research and political parties simply have no choice but to jump on the bandwagon. If you tell people you’re gonna make sure the world won’t end, you can’t go wrong. Millions of people are employed by this business that is global warming.

But Global Warming is a natural process, and that is undeniable. As the scientists in The Great Global Warming Swindle point out, there have been periods of extreme temperature changes throughout the history of this planet, for example the “Medieval Warm Period” and the “mini ice age” in the 17th century. And how arrogant are we to think we can seriously affect the climate, when compared to this planet and the oceans we are so tiny and insignificant.

The most shocking and upsetting thing in the whole series, I felt, was an African doctor explaining how, because his entire hospital is run on solar power, he cannot use the light in his surgery and keep the fridge containing medication running at the same time because the power supply is insufficient. Preceding this, we saw images of self – righteous greenies campaigning for solar power in Africa. This definitely stinks. Millions of Africans suffer serious health damage because they do not have electricity in their homes and are therefore constantly subjected to the smoke coming from open fireplaces.

It’s all very compelling stuff, and the evidence they present so clear and plentiful, it’s hard not to believe them. But how are we to know? So governments are lying to keep us under their thumb and the Global Warming industry afloat. But what about the big companies, (oil, energy, fast food, etc) who will suffer the effects of the green revolution? What about the millions employed by that industry, which would be out of work? How are we to wether they are the ones employing the "swindle" scientists?

I couldn’t help but notice that the “Great Global Warming Swindle” completely failed to even touch on one major subject of Global Warming: The Rain Forests, also described as “the lungs of the earth”. We’ve heard it all before, but in average an area the size of Wales gets felled in the Amazon rain forest every single day, and if we are to believe the green faction, this has a massive effect on our climate (Trees take up Carbon Monoxide - which is blamed for Global warming - and in turn release oxygen into the atmosphere). Not to mention the effect on the animal and people who live in, and depend on the Rain Forest. Huge areas of the Amazon Rain Forest are removed for cattle grazing. Most of the beef from these cattle is destined for the American fast food market, a gazillion dollar worldwide business.

Did it just simply slip the minds of the makers of the swindle to mention this really quite massive issue? Or did they hope, for more sinister reasons, that no one would notice?“The Great Global Warming Swindle” was an eye opener, but maybe not exactly in the way it was intended. It did certainly convince me of one thing. I’ve always been weary of trusting politicians. But the sad fact is: You really can’t trust anyone except yourself, so keep make your own opinions and don’t believe the hype!

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